Electronic Components / Devices

CVT Series

CVT Series


CVT Series
They are for high voltage circuits. The zinc oxide material ensures excellent nonlinearity and response. They can be used for AC100Vrms and AC200Vrms power lines. This series can support varistor voltage up to 470V. They are compact and can be surface mounted. Operating temperature range : -40℃~+85℃.


Protection of various semiconductor elements from over-voltage, Protection of various types of equipment from inductive lightning surge, Absorption of switching surge and electrostatic surge for relays/horns/motors.


CVT Series


  • CVT Series
  • Type EIA Symbol L W T max L1,L2
    CVT70 1812 4.5±0.3 3.0~4.0 3.5 0.8±0.5
    CVT85 2620 6.5±0.3 5.3±0.3 4.5 0.5~

Part Number System

CVT Series

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