Terms of Use
The statements herein apply to the web sites (hereafter "Web Sites") run and managed by MARUWA CO., LTD. (hereafter "MARUWA").
MARUWA expends means and efforts before posting materials on the Web Sites, but provides no guarantee on its accuracy, recency, or usefulness of its contents to yourself/customers.
Under no circumstances will MARUWA be liable in any way for damages of any kind resulted from the use of the Web Sites by yourself/customers.
MARUWA may make changes to or delete the Web Sites or the materials at any time without notice.
MARUWA reserves the right to discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Web Sites or materials (or any part thereof) for an inevitable reason.
MARUWA assumes no liability for damages of any kind that may have resulted to yourself/customers from modifications, deletion, or discontinuance, temporarily or permanently, of the Web Sites.
About the Browser
The Web Sites are best viewed on any of the following browsers;
the latest version of Google Chrome
the latest version of Firefox
the latest version of Safari
the latest version of Microsoft Edge
For users using other browsers or versions of the above
We cannot guarantee the display if you are using a version other than those listed above or a browser from another manufacturer.
Please refer to the applicable web site of the browser provider for the latest version.
About printing the Web Sites
The resulted page from printing the Web Sites may appear differently from what is displayed on the monitor due to differences in features of browsers and OSs.
Please be forewarned that there has been a confirmed incident where a particular browser stops responding when a particular chart is printed.
About particular specifications of browsers
Please be forewarned that browsers differ in their specifications, and a particular browser may show other operations from what other browsers show.
(Example: A prompt dialogue appears for yourself/customers input when displaying a page.)
About Plug-Ins
The Web Sites contain information provided on Adobe Reader.
Please download from the icon below and install it when you have not installed Adobe Reader.
Please be forewarned that plug-ins and helper applications are subject to change without prior notice.
About Function Icons
The Web Sites may have the icons below at links to other pages to notify yourself/customers of the specifications of the linked page.
A page linked from the Web Sites opens in a separate window.
A specific plug-in or other special features may be needed to display the page linked from the Web Sites.
Notices on Use
The Web Sites have pages that use JavaScript.
Enable JavaScript from the browser setting menu to view.
The Web Sites have pages that use Style Sheets.
If yourself/customers experience a problem in viewing the page, check the browser setting menu to enable Style Sheets.
See the help menu on the browser for further support in checking the setting for Style Sheet.
About Copyrights and Trademarks
The contents on the Web Sites (including documents, videos, sounds, and programs) are protected under Copyright Laws or other related articles or laws of countries of relevance.
An unauthorized copy or use of the contents is prohibited by the law.
MARUWA requires you/customers to obtain a written permission through an inquiry form if you/customers wishes to distribute the contents of the Web Site in a form of a magazine, book or on a CD-ROM, etc.
Notices About Links to External Resources from the Web Sites
External web sites outside of MARUWA linked from the Web Sites are run and managed under the responsibilities of an applicable individual or company, not under the responsibilities of MARUWA.
Under no circumstances will MARUWA be liable in any way for damages of any kind resulted from the use of the linked web sites from the Web Sites by you/customers.
It is at your/customer's discretion to use the linked web sites under terms and conditions provided on the web sites.
The links to the external resources are provided conveniently by MARUWA as a service to its customers and are not provided for promoting the use of our Web Sites, the products or services on the Web Sites.
Furthermore, these links do not necessarily indicate special collaborating or cooperating relationships between MARUWA and the individual or the company to which the links are directed.
About Links to the Web Sites
The Web Sites are basically link-free, unless:
It is a link from a web site that is offensive to public order and morals or a web site that may damage our credence and dignity.
It is a link from a web site that contains materials that violate or may violate the laws or rules of public.
It is a link such as a frame link that may cause our Web Sites to lose clarity.
It is a link that may lead readers to falsely believe that MARUWA and the company the link is linked from are in alliance or in otherwise a cooperating relationship, or that MARUWA recognizes or supports the company the link is linked from.
It is a link that MARUWA considers inappropriate otherwise.
Any link to the Web Site should be directed to the top page (http://www.maruwa-g.com/e/).
Please be forewarned that the Web Sites do not provide mutual links as a general rule.