Privacy Policy
MARUWA CO., LTD. (hereafter "MARUWA") shall observe laws and regulations pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law, and make every effort to protect personal data under the following policy in order to deal with personal data properly.
1. Practices for Protecting Personal Data
MARUWA shall appoint a person in charge of correct management of personal data in each division which deals with such data, and make efforts to continually improve our practices for protecting personal data.
2. Proper Acquirement of Personal Data
In collecting personal data, MARUWA shall make the use-purpose clear and acquire such data only within the limits of consent from individuals through just and fair means.
3. Use-Purpose of Personal Data
MARUWA shall acquire and use personal data which are necessary for business accomplishment to offer our products or services. We shall inform individuals of specific use-purpose as we collect personal data.
4. Disclosure of Personal Data
For inquiries from individuals about their personal data, MARUWA shall not disclose any personal data unless their identities are confirmed. MARUWA shall not disclose any personal data to a third party without consent from individuals or authorization under applicable laws and regulations.
5. Safe Management of Personal Data
MARUWA shall take necessary measures to ensure the safe management of personal data against loss, destruction, falsification or unauthorized disclosure.
April 1st, 2022