
Environmental Management

The MARUWA Group has established an environmental policy to promote corporate activities in harmony with the environment. Based on this policy, we reduce the environmental impact of our business activities and contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society through our technologies and products.

Environmental Policy

Passing on a Beautiful Earth to Future Generations through High Environmental Awareness and Ingenuity

The MARUWA Group strongly believes that it is our corporate social responsibility to pass on the irreplaceable beauty of the global environment to future generations so that humanity can lead healthy and affluent lives. We contribute to a sustainable society by improving environmental issues through our manufacturing.

  1. Identify the impact of our business on the environment, and work to protect the environment and improve environmental impact through the high level of environmental awareness and ingenuity of our employees and related parties.

  2. Promote environmental activities in accordance with the following items.

    1. Comply with environmental laws and regulations as well as other requirements to which the MARUWA Group has agreed.

    2. Establish an environmental management system and make constant efforts to improve into a better system.

    3. Set environmental objectives and targets as a goal and maintain them appropriately.

  3. Through continuous improvement and reform of manufacturing, the core business of the group, we engage in activities focusing on the following:

    1. Develop and provide environmentally friendly products.

    2. Promote resource and energy conservation to reduce environmental impact.

    3. Reduce and recycle waste and manage waste appropriately.

    4. Promotion of environmental risk management

Organization Structure

ISO Certification Status (ISO14001)

50301360 UM15 JAER0736 E185188
50301360 UM15

Legal Compliance Check

Properly Comply With Safety and Environmental Laws and Regulations.

We have a system of checks to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, such as setting annual plans, conducting fire drills, checking the management of harmful substances, analyzing wastewater and soil, and measuring the environment for odors, noise, and dust by an outside organization.

Green Purchasing

Thoroughly Promote Procurement With Low Environmental Impact, Both Internally and Externally

Following our environmental policy, we established the Green Procurement Guidelines in 2009.
To procure materials and services that have less of an environmental impact, we ask our suppliers to understand these guidelines and cooperate with us in surveys on the environment and quality.

Zero Emissions

Toward the Realization of a Recycling-Oriented Society That Produces No Waste

Zero Emissions means reducing the final disposal (landfill disposal) of waste generated from production activities to zero through recycling and other methods.
At our Toki, Yamanota, Naoetsu, and Kasugayama factories, we have achieved zero emissions by recycling more than 95% of the total amount of waste (excluding general combustible materials).

MARUWA's Material Recycling

Ceramic production begins with the input of raw materials. During the production process sludge and fired ceramic products are produced, but if they are sent directly to a disposal site, they have to be thrown away as waste. Therefore, we asked ourselves, "How can we bring them back to life as materials?" We promoted material recycling by separating the materials as much as possible. As a result, sludge is used as soil for gardening, and calcined products are used as raw materials for concrete blocks.

RoHS Compliant Products

MARUWA's EMC countermeasure parts are RoHS compliant products.
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) is a directive enforced in the European Union (EU) that prohibits the use of environmentally hazardous substances. MARUWA complies with public laws and regulations, including the RoHS Directive and our customers' environmental requirements.